Kids Multivitamin



C-Health Kids Multivitamin syrup is a daily boost for your child’s immune system, overall health and wellbeing.

Read more about C-Health Kids Multivitamin syrup in the description below.

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C-Health Kids Multivitamin syrup (200ml) is a daily boost for your child’s immune system, overall health and wellbeing.

It contains all the important B-vitamins which support the release of energy for your mind and body. Providing your body with a sufficient amount of B vitamins supports health and well-being through directly affecting your energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism. Vitamin B also supports healthy immune function and other important processes in your body.

Vitamin C is a nutrient required by the body to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen in bones. Vitamin C is also vital to your body’s healing process.

Vitamin D is an important ingredient which is essential to the health and functioning of your child’s immune system.

C-Health’s Kids Multivitamin syrup is a complete solution for you, to make raising healthy and happy children as easy as possible – especially for the little ones who don’t like to eat their greens.

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